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Teaching older and less fit people is best done by someone who was less fit and is older. 


Patricia Pittomvils Certified Fitness Instructor & Personal Trainer

Founder Fitter then Ever

I have been an active sports person for large parts of my life.
I was National Shot put Champion and placed second in Javelin throwing in my home country Luxembourg at the age of 18,  I also participated in horse jumping and dressage competitions from a young age.  Sport and fitness have been a constant in most of my life. 
However, years of extensive overseas travel for work and a stressful sales job left me unfit and overweight. it wasn't until I quit from a successful career in the city of London and suffered a burnout that I realised that things needed to change. The menopause had badly impacted me mentally and physically. I was overweight, unhappy and unfit.  I needed to get really serious about my health.
I had lost my mother aged 67 and I could see myself going down the same path with diabetes and related complications.  This and the prospect of turning 60 filled me with dread. I needed a new goal.
 I decided to try and reverse time and become "Fitter than ever" or at least as fit and as strong & the same weight as before my 40th birthday.  

I did not want to start my 60's feeling old, unhappy, worn out, overweight, and with low energy levels.  I needed a new goal and to make my health a priority. 
I embarked on a thorough training & nutrition program and learned a lot.  I lost the weight, gained muscle and became stronger and fitter than I could have ever imagined. 
During this time, I also attended group fitness classes such as HIIT and Circuits. Whilst the classes were excellent and enjoyable, I felt that I needed a different type of class. I was by far the oldest participant. On average the attendees and instructors were at least 20 years younger.  It was a struggle to keep up and I was worried I might injure myself. I felt that there was not enough time to warm up properly.  The exercises were too high impact for my creaking knees and often too fast. 
I realised that this was not the instructor's fault.  A younger person cannot know what it feels like to be older and how could they? As the right type of class was not available and other older members in my gym felt similarly, I decided to become a qualified Fitness Instructor and Personal Trainer.  I turned my passion for fitness into my profession and  became a fully qualified Fitness Instructor early in 2019.  
 I have been teaching clients of all ages but almost exclusively over 50.  It has been supremely rewarding to see the fantastic progress that everyone is making with the right attitude and training approach. My clients have taught me a lot too for which I am very grateful. 

...I love my job and the difference it makes in my client's quality of life...
Please sign up for a trial class and see how you can make a positive difference to health and fitness. 


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