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How to exercise safely and get results after 50
Checklist with 12 lessons developed after 1000's of hours teaching over 50's, 60's and 70's and beyond
Warming-up for a minimum of 5-10 minutes prior to exercise is essential at this age to prevent injury.
Dynamic stretches taking joints gradually through their full range of motion to allow for more intense exercise.
Getting up and down off the floor may be problematic & frequent changes in position are avoided.
Fall prevention is essential and is achieved by creating safe exercises.
Exercises aimed at improving mobility, agility & balance further aid fall prevention in everyday life.
High impact exercise are avoided or limited, favouring lower impact alternatives instead.
Exercises must be challenging enough to build muscle, improve agility, health and fitness.
Focus on bone strengthening, but also stretching, balance, agility and real-life strength.
Muscle building to support daily activities to maintain a high quality of life and independence.
Include a large variety of exercises that stimulate the brain and wards off boredom.
Include exercises in all planes of motion.
Keep the exercises fun and light hearted.

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