ABOUT MEDIYOGA (taught by Lena Scharp)
MediYoga was developed in Sweden in the late 90s. MediYoga is used today as a complementary treatment in the healthcare systems in Norway, UK, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Spain and the US. Extensive research and clinical evaluations led to the development of a quality-assured form of yoga for the Swedish health and medical care system. MediYoga is today used in over 250 hospitals in Sweden as a form of rehabilitation for back pain, heart attack and stroke patients.
Göran Boll, who founded the MediYoga Institute, saw potential in a form of yoga based on kundalini yoga. Kundalini yoga is a very old, original form of yoga from northern India and Tibet. He developed this into a therapeutic form of yoga used by the Swedish health care system. In 1997, the Karolinska Institutet (world renowned medical university based in Solna) initiated a scientific medical study into the therapeutic use of yoga in Sweden. https://us.mediyoga.com/research/
MediYoga is a soft, engaging form of yoga. The exercises are performed slowly and controlled with a focus on breathing and relaxation. Exercises can be performed on a yoga mat on the floor or seated on a chair.
The core purpose of MediYoga is to achieve better physical, mental and emotional balance. MediYoga has preventive qualities and aids rehabilitation. Several studies have shown that the practice of MediYoga is beneficial for people with high blood pressure, asthma, stress, heart, back and/or sleep problems as it has a deep impact on body and mind.
To become a certified MediYoga instructor includes the study of the foundations of medical knowledge.
Fitter Than Ever is delighted to partner with Lena Scharp, a fully certified MediYoga teacher (Level 2 instructor), and to be among the first to offer MediYoga in the UK. https://lenascharpyoga.fr/en/about-me/