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How to stay active, fit and strong into your 70's and beyond

Advancing years, knee, back or shoulder pain, injuries, weight gain changes how we can exercise.
Very few over 50's can exercise in the same way as in their 30's.
However many of us may have prioritised our families or careers and not been able to exercise much as we wanted and feel a bit lost or unsure.
Some middle-aged weight gain may be slowing us down.
We have picked up injuries or wear and tear in our joints.
We feel some joint stiffness and discomfort.
Our flexibility and agility may be declining.
The good news is that our fitness, flexibility, strength and agility can be improved at any age and starting from any level. ​
Classes must be designed specifically to meet the needs of our ageing bodies to achieve the desired results and avoid injuries.
For details on what you need to look out for in a suitable class refer to this checklist.

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